As well as heralding the arrival of Spring, the month of March also kicks off the 40th National Nutrition Month across Canada. The event, spearheaded by Dietitians of Canada will draw attention to the importance of making informed food choices and developing healthier habits. It is a great time for this, the excess of the holiday season is over and brighter days are on the horizon for us all to enjoy.
This year dietitians will explore the key ‘ingredients’ needed to change some of our food systems for a healthier tomorrow. These ingredients will take the form of initiatives or actions that can improve an individual’s health, of course, but also systemic changes that may need to be made for the future too, which will affect us all. There will be work and events carried out based around food policy, food justice and food misinformation, as well as inspiration for individuals in their day to day lives.
This year, with its focus on looking ahead National Nutrition month will consider too how the actions we are all taking today can contribute to that. Whether it is supporting local producers, native food production, or seeking to ensure that less food goes to waste there are steps we can all take to be more conscious of the things that will contribute to this heathier tomorrow.
Regrettably, food security is a hot topic in many nations across the world following the pandemic and Canada is not alone in this. The Household Food Insecurity Network at Dietitians of Canada estimate as many as one in seven Canadians struggle with the financial ability to access food. So, the organisation is encouraging people to support a local food bank if they can or find out whether any of the local schools have breakfast clubs that welcome donations of produce.
Regionally, the campaign will link residents with dietitians to explore how various aspects come together to contribute to what healthy looks like for every individual. For many of us it can be as simple as making more healthy choices, adding foods to our diets, or eating more mindfully. For others the ideal of ‘moving more’ will be a goal to achieve that can give healthy eating choices greater impact on wellness. So, this March take the time to think about small steps you and your family could take to feature healthier ‘ingredients’ in your life.
Above all, take the time to appreciate the ability to enjoy healthy food and make the most of your healthy choices by enjoying the opportunity to get out and about more if possible.
Of course, mobility is not the same for everyone, perhaps you are less mobile or finding it harder to plan ahead and get out and about in the same way as you have always done. If this is the case, At Stiltz Home Elevators, we specialise in offering home elevators that can transform ease of movement within your home, open it up to you once more and ensure that you have one of the key ‘ingredients’ to make the most of tomorrow too.