Chance to Celebrate National AccessAbility Week 2021

Chance to Celebrate National AccessAbility Week 2021

Canada’s National AccessAbility Week takes place later this month from May 30 to June 5. NAAW is a chance to celebrate the contributions that persons with disabilities make to the country. It also shines a spotlight on the work carried out by individuals, workplaces...

Five Springtime Ideas to Improve Your Garden

This spring make your garden somewhere you will want to spend time over the summer, and start looking forward to long warm evenings of entertaining, and quiet sunny moments with a book. Now is the time for Canadian homeowners to wake up that tired space, give it a...

Give Your Home a New Lease of Life This Spring

When spring is in the air, it is a strange human instinct to want to refresh the home. But rather than just a simple spring clean this year, why not go a bit further and make a few changes to rejuvenate your home? Seniors have often lived in their homes for a few...

How To Keep Feeling Great In An Online World

With people across the world staying at home more over the past 12 months many of our work, social interactions and shopping activities have moved online. It is unsurprising therefore, that reports show that over the past year the average screen-time has increased...

How Hygge Can Help Banish Winter Blues

Hygge is the Nordic concept of feeling comfort, warmth and joy in the simplest of situations. Since the idea was first developed in Denmark in the 18th Century it has been embraced by countries across the globe, encouraging people to slow down, and find inner peace...

Christmas Traditions which Connect the World

Annual holiday traditions provide us with the comfort of shared experiences and mutual values. They give time for reflection and relaxation and they offer us a break from our daily lives. It is hardly surprising then, that after such a turbulent year, we are all keen...